
A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture


Submissions to enculturation should be sent to the following addresses.

Articles: Scot Barnett – articles [dot] enculturation [at] gmail [dot] com

Special Issues and Responses: Donnie Sackey — donnie [dot] sackey [at] austin [dot] utexas [dot] edu

Sonic Projects: Eric Detweiler — Eric [dot] Detweiler [at] mtsu [dot] edu

Reviews: Ben Wetherbee — bwetherb [at] nmu [dot] edu

Intermezzo: Jeff Rice — j [dot] rice [at] uky [dot] edu


The Main Section of each enculturation issue publishes scholarly articles on topics related to contemporary theories of rhetoric, writing, and culture. Articles often analyze specific artifacts or case studies but move beyond rhetorical and media analyses to make explicit and significant theoretical, methodological, or pedagogical contributions to rhetoric and writing studies. While they are grounded in ongoing conversations in rhetorical studies, articles often take an interdisciplinary approach to respond to a cultural exigence, ideally from an inclusive and intersectional perspective. Submissions for scholarly articles should be 6,000-8,000 words (including references and footnotes) and adhere to the most recent MLA citation guidelines. If you send an attachment, Word files in DOC, DOCX, or RTF are preferable. For media projects, you may initially submit a URL but will ultimately need to send a zipped version of the project for review. Please make sure to omit all authorial markers in all submissions. Please also email a brief abstract with article submissions. Please see tips for authors for those interested in submitting articles. To inquire about or to submit articles, please contact Scot Barnett.

Special Issues

Special Issues offer an extended, in-depth focus on a timely theme that engages with contemporary theories of rhetoric, writing, and culture across politics, media, technology, and pedagogy. enculturation typically publishes one special issue per year. The recommended set of articles in special issues can be either 5 articles (6,000-8,000 words in length) or 8 short articles (5,000 words in length). This does not include a brief guest editors’ introduction that creates a narrative that situates each article in relation to the theme of the special issue. Although proposals for specials issues are accepted for future publication and guest editors are provided freedom to shape their issue according to their purposes, enculturation’s special issue editor will guide the process to ensure timely production and offer feedback as needed. Please see guidelines for special issue proposals. To inquire about or submit a special issue proposal, please contact Donnie Sackey. 


The Response Section publishes work that responds to current events, controversies, topics, themes, arguments, and ideas and—broadly construed—are scholarly works that are theoretically informed but publicly accessible for wide audiences. Often crafted in a non-traditional academic style, these works provide a space for scholars to take up current concerns in flexible and timely ways. In addition to responses that directly engage a current event or scholarly work, enculturation is also interested in pieces that propose new orientations to traditional concerns. These short, focused works engage common and current matters of interest critically, affirmatively, and/or speculatively through a variety of media. Responses should serve as relays that provoke future work. While responses are not peer-reviewed in the traditional sense, contributions are rigorously curated and edited by the response section editor to provide enculturation readers with responsible but lively additions to our scholarly conversations. To inquire about or submit responses, please contact Donnie Sackey.

Sonic Projects

The Sonic Projects Section publishes scholarly works that consist primarily of sound. Publications might include audio essays, collections of soundscapes, richly edited audio-recorded interviews, and so on. (The section does not accept written analyses of sonic artifacts.) The section editor encourages submissions that experiment with aural genres and scholarly form. Submissions to the section can take the form of compressed or uncompressed audio files, but submitters should be prepared to provide uncompressed audio files should the submission be accepted for publication (.wav is preferable). Submissions can include a maximum of 45 minutes of total audio. If project files are too large to submit as email attachments, they can be submitted via links to cloud-storage services or other unlisted URLs. Other portions of sonic projects (e.g., written introductions, transcripts) should be submitted as .docx, .doc, or .rtf files. Please make sure to omit or bleep out all avoidable authorial markers in all submissions and email a brief abstract with sonic submissions. To inquire about or submit sonic projects, contact Eric Detweiler.


The Review Section publishes book reviews and review essays as well as reviews of relevant content in other genres. Book reviews run from around 1,500 words to 2,000 words; review essays can be up to 5,000 words. We welcome reviews of projects that have made significant contributions to the field of rhetorical studies, writing, and culture, which can include traditional scholarly books as well as more experimental digital projects. We especially encourage reviews that are inclusive and intersectional and that amplify works by LGBTQ and BIPOC authors. Please note that the genre of the review is malleable; to establish some helpful guidelines, we are interested in reviews that move beyond simply marching the audience through each chapter or section in linear ways. Rather, an exciting and illuminating review does the work of evaluating the project and offering future lines of inquiry for scholars and teachers of rhetoric and writing. In addition, because of the affordances of digital publishing, we encourage reviews that explore the possibilities of bringing a variety of texts to life through innovative design choices. To that end, we are also be happy to receive reviews of more performative and creative endeavors, such as films, podcasts, digital art installations, conference panel presentations, scholar-activist speeches, etc. To inquire about or submit reviews, please contact Ben Wetherbee at the email address listed above.

We also accept the submission of books for review from publishers or individuals. Please send books to the address below: 

enculturation c/o Byron Hawk
Department of English
Humanities Office Building
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208


enculturation also publishes Intermezzo, a series dedicated to publishing essays that are too long for journal publication but too short to be a monograph. This series asks writers to consider a variety of topics from within and without academia and are encouraged to experiment with form, style, content, and approach in order to break down the barrier between the scholarly and the creative. To learn more about Intermezzo, contact Jeff Rice at the email address listed above.

For more information about enculturation submissions please see: